8 Healthy Morning Drinks To Bump Up Your Weight Loss Voyage

Healthy morning drinks

If you are trying to lose weight, then you know what a daunting task it is. To lose weight, you have to follow a good diet with regular workouts. Also, you have to make healthy lifestyle changes like sleeping early, stop visiting your favorite fast food joint. It takes a lot of discipline and willpower to keep your diet clean. 

But, what if you come to know that few healthy morning drinks can assist you in your long, arduous weight loss journey. These drinks will charge you and help you rave up the fat-burning process right from the morning. 

Once you kick start your fat-burning furnace, you can add more fuel to this furnace by following these 10 weight loss diet secrets, to continue sailing on your fat loss ship through the day. 

So, let us dive right into these magnificent morning drinks that will turbocharge your weight loss process.

1. Lemon tea

Lemon Tea

It is refreshing to start your day with a hot lemon tea. It soothes your throat and prevents cough and congestion. Lemon tea also gives you a healthy dose of vitamin C. 

Furthermore, lemon tea is a good detoxifier. So, you can start your day by flushing out any toxins from the body. And it can help in weight loss by boosting your metabolism and kick-starting your calorie-burning mode. Also, it improves your digestion. The acid present in the lemon helps break down food more efficiently. Thus, it enhances the absorption of nutrients from the food.

Lemon contains pectin that is a type of soluble plant fiber that can help in reducing fat absorption. Additionally, it also helps in reducing bloating and puffiness.

How to make lemon tea

Lemon tea is made by adding lemon juice to black tea.

First, boil one cup of water and then add a teaspoon of black tea. Let it steep for one minute. Now strain the black tea in a cup and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. You are now ready to enjoy a hot cup of lemon tea.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by first crushing the apple to a pulp and combining the apple pulp with yeast. The mixture is then fermented.

ACV is a natural health tonic with a plethora of health benefits. But the primary reason for its popularity is its effect on weight loss. The acetic acid present in ACV can reduce your body fat and prevents fat build-up. ACV also keeps you full for longer. 

The proper way to drink ACV 

One hour before breakfast, drinking two tablespoons of ACV, diluted in a glass of water, will prevent you from overeating and keeping your calories in check.

3. Cinnamon tea

Apart from its tantalizing aroma, cinnamon also carries immense therapeutic properties. Cinnamon is one of the healthiest herbs, with forty-one protective compounds that it holds in it. According to Ayurveda, the penetrating quality of cinnamon can expel mucus from the body. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of Herbs says it helps increase the metabolic fire.

Drinking cinnamon tea in the morning can help in improving your digestive strength and treating gut anomalies. Another perk of making cinnamon tea in the morning is that the brewing will spread its heavenly aroma throughout the kitchen. You will love it. 

How to make cinnamon tea

To make cinnamon tea, put one stick of cinnamon in hot water and let it simmer for ten minutes. Then strain the cinnamon stick and enjoy your warm cup of cinnamon tea with its fragrant aroma surrounding you.

4. Green tea 

Green Tea

Over the years, green tea for weight loss has become a controversial subject. Some people treat it as a magic drink, claiming it will help you lose a substantial amount of weight, while others reject the idea entirely. 

Well, both opinions are wrong. Green tea can assist in the weight loss process, but alone it won’t create much difference. If you follow a good weight loss diet plan, then green tea can enhance the effectiveness of your diet plan.

So how does green tea help in fat loss? The prime benefit of green tea for weight loss comes from its hunger suppressant property. Green tea has a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a hunger suppressant, meaning it can help you control your appetite and reduce cravings.

How to make green tea

I’m sure everyone knows how to make green tea. But, I’ll tell you a simple hack that can give your green tea an earthy, flavorful taste instead of the familiar bitter taste. 

Heat water to 80 degrees Celsius or just before the boiling point. Then let it cool for a couple of minutes. After that, add a teaspoon of green tea leaves to the hot water and allow it to steep for three minutes. After three minutes, strain it into a cup and enjoy the warm earthy flavored green tea.

5. Black coffee

Black Coffee

Coffee is probably the most consumed beverage mainly because it increases alertness and wakefulness. Many people, however, drink coffee with milk and sugar. Thus, depriving themselves of a very beneficial property of coffee i.e. its weight loss effect.

Black coffee without sugar is a low-calorie drink that will not affect your calorie count for the day. The caffeine present in the black coffee increases your metabolism, which means you will burn more calories. It also helps in suppressing hunger. 

How to make black coffee  

Make the black coffee as you regularly make it. To get the weight loss benefit, make sure you don’t add sugar or any other type of sweetener.

6. Fennel water

Fennel seeds act as a natural diuretic that helps to flush out the toxins from the body. Therefore, fennel water acts as a natural detoxifying agent. What better way to start your day is by getting rid of the toxins from the body. 

How to make fennel water

To make fennel water, soak overnight one tablespoon of fennel seeds in a glass of water. Overnight soaking will release its nutrients in the water. The next morning, strain the fennel water in another glass and drink it on an empty stomach.  

7. Ginger tea

Ginger Tea

Drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning can give you a soothing and rejuvenating feeling. Apart from its flavourful goodness, it packs some distinct weight loss benefits. 

Ginger is a potent diuretic, which means it prevents water retention. It also has a thermogenic property that helps to boost your metabolism, thus helps in burning more calories. 

The two compounds in ginger, gingerols, and shogaols, can assist in weight loss. Moreover, it keeps you full for longer, so you will not eat unnecessary snacks between meals. 

How to make ginger tea

Wash the ginger with water and cut them into thin slices. There is no need to peel its skin. Now add the sliced ginger into a cup of water and boil the mixture. Once the water comes to a boil, lower the heat and allow it to simmer for another five minutes. Then strain the water into the cup and enjoy.

To add an extra punch to your ginger tea, squeeze half a lemon into it. It will enhance the hunger-suppressing property of your ginger tea.

8. Indian Gooseberry (Amla) water

Indian gooseberries are one of the most revered fruits in Ayurveda. They have the richest source of vitamin C amongst all fruits. The list of health benefits of this humble fruit is endless. 

From the fat loss perspective, gooseberry water is rich in fiber that benefits your gut bacteria and boosts your digestion. A healthy gut and good digestive system have a close link with effective weight loss. 

Gooseberry contains chromium which can keep your blood glucose levels in check, thus preventing weight gain. High glucose levels are sure to cause rapid weight gain. 

Gooseberry water tastes bitter, so it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. But those you can drink it will reap the plethora of benefits it offers. 

How to make gooseberry water

To make gooseberry water, mix one teaspoon of gooseberry powder in a glass of water and let it sit for five minutes. Then strain the mixture and drink the gooseberry water. 

Drink it daily on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and see the results yourself.

You can get gooseberry powder in the market, or you can prepare it at home. To make the gooseberry powder at home, first cut the gooseberry into small pieces and dry it in the sun for a couple of days. After it dehydrates completely, put the dried gooseberry in a blender and blend it. Store the gooseberry powder in an airtight jar.


You can choose to drink any of the above healthy morning drinks according to your preference. When you drink any of the above healthy weight loss-friendly drinks, you will start seeing a significant difference in your weight. But don’t forget, you have to keep your diet clean.

I mostly start my morning with a sizzling hot cup of black coffee. Which drink would you prefer; let me know in the comments?

Author’s Bio:– Akash Dass is a fitness coach and nutrition consultant with a decade of experience under his belt. He runs a website where he writes articles to give authentic information on fitness and nutrition that can benefit his readers. He is an introvert, but he can talk to anyone when the topic is about nutrition and fitness. You can find him on Facebook and Instagram.

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