Mental Health

Mental health is a state of mind that which you are psychologically, emotionally and socially healthy. According To Methyl Life PRO “This term is not bound to the people suffering from psychological illnesses. Still, it is also important for healthy people because it is how we behave, feel and act in the community. So, improving mental health in healthy people contributes to a healthier and contented life.” Here we will discuss the factors affecting mental health, people prone to develop mental illness & simple ways to improve their mental health.

Determinants of mental health

  • Good quality antenatal & postnatal care
  • Socioeconomic factors
  • Community trust and participation
  • Spirituality
  • Culture
  • Quality education
  • Emotional and social literacy
  • Community relationships
  • Engagement in physical activity
  • Good physical health

People at risk of mental illness

  • Physical disable people
  • People with a learning disability
  • Homeless people
  • Women in antenatal and postnatal period
  • Prisoners
  • Adults with chronic illnesses
  • People of minorities
  • Looked after children


·       Reframe useless thoughts

Our behaviour is a reflection of our thoughts. We respond the same way our brain is trained to do, and this response is gradually built in the brain by our thoughts. If healthier ones replace useless thoughts, then the individual is able to manage the situation in a better way without stressing the brain.

Positive thoughts are linked to positive feelings and positive actions. This can be done by the catch it, checking it, and changing its strategy. If you are mentally disturbed, catch the thought causing the worry, check if it is significant to be considered then, if useless, change this thought with a positive one.

·       Live in present

Instead of wandering in the past, and building the castles of the future, live in the present day. Excessive thinking of yesterday and tomorrow may waste your present day. When you get a day, make a “To-Do List” so that at the end of the day, you feel calm and contentment. This will bring motivation for the next day to be spent in a more effective way.

·       Make positive connections

You must have heard that “a man is known by the company he keeps”. This notion is a baseline for your behaviour in the community. Whenever positive people surround you, this will positively influence your mental health. You will feel motivated, enthusiastic, and fulfilled in life. On the other hand, when negative energies surround you, this will result in poor mental health, and the incidence of anxiety, depression & stress problems increases. So choose your community circle wisely.

·       Practice gratitude

This means being thankful for the good thing and good moments in your life. Recalling these moments in your mind or simply writing them in your diary whenever you are happy will bring a sense of gratitude into your life. You will begin to see life differently. This will also lessen the intensity of the stress situation because you will think about the good moments.

·       Take care of physical health

Mental and physical health is profoundly interconnected. So building strong physical health will empower your mental health too. you can improve your physical health in simple ways

  • Be physically active and complete the task on the same day they are planned to be; instead of pending to the next day.
  • Enjoy a proper sleep and practice the same routine daily
  • Encourage a healthy and fully nutritious diet, and avoid sugary and processed food.

·       Relaxation and recreation

In this busy life, if we work continuously for hours without a period of rest, then it will affect our mental health. We will feel exhausted, drained, and burned out while working without relaxation. So spare period of rest during work will reduce the fatigue, and efficiency in doing the task will also increase. Develop hobbies of your interest; this will bring a sense of positivity to your life.

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