Coffee vs Tea: Which one is the healthier option?

Coffee Vs Tea

Coffee and tea are some of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. There is nothing like a hot cup of coffee to perk you up in the morning. Similarly, a hot cup of tea can soothe and relax you after a stressful day.

While coffee and tea have many similar health benefits, they do have a few stark differences. Let’s uncover them in this article and help you be more informed about your choice of beverage.

Health benefits of coffee

Every time you search for coffee or coffee beans, you can find new studies claiming your cup of joe is either a cure or causes a health condition. The mixed reviews can be quite confusing, but it’s important to note that most studies have shown positive results to drinking coffee. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Coffee bags have high doses of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that keep your cells from damaging free radicals, reduce inflammation and can help in slowing down the ageing process.
  • Some studies from 2013 found that people who consistently consumed more than one cup of coffee a day over a four year period showed an 11% reduction in risks of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Some studies have also established that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Coffee drinking has also been linked to a reduction in dementia, Alzheimer’s, liver diseases and more.

Risks of consuming too much coffee

Have one too many venti lattes and suddenly we feel jittery and run to the bathroom. Coffee’s high caffeine content (91.8mg in 1 cup of coffee) can cause anxiety, acid reflux, overactive bladder and irritable bowel syndrome. It may be no surprise, but excess consumption of coffee can also lead to sleep disorders. Pregnant women are advised to be watchful of their coffee intake. On the more physical side of things, coffee’s tannins can stick to the teeth, causing staining.

Health benefits of tea

Whether it is green, black, white or oolong, tea comes from the same plant known as Camellia sinensis. The taste of this beverage depends on how it’s processed and brewed. Let’s look at the benefits it possesses:

  • Similar to coffee, tea is filled with antioxidants that are very beneficial to health. The National Cancer Institute has also conducted experiments that show the effectiveness of antioxidants in slowing the growth of cancerous tumours.
  • One study consisting of over 100,000 adults revealed that people who drank more than three cups of coffee per week lowered their rates of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Some studies also suggest that the polyphenols in tea can help boost gut health.
  • The latest study conducted in 2020, showed that regular tea drinkers have a slightly higher level of good cholesterol and lower body mass index.

Risks of consuming excess tea

Did you know that tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world? Another surprising fact is, tea is second only to water in global consumption. Although the caffeine content in every cup of tea is small when compared to coffee (about 29mg/cup), dousing multiple cups of tea isn’t advisable.

The effects of drinking too much tea are similar to coffee, causing jitters, anxiety, sleep disorders, and more.

Which is the better option?

Both coffee and tea have a plethora of health benefits to offer. They aid against various diseases while keeping you energized or relaxed throughout your day. So, is coffee better than tea, or vice versa? Not necessarily.

As long as you have been advised by a medical professional to stay away from one or both beverages, you can consume them in moderation to reap their benefits.

Looking for fantastic coffee recommendations or wanna buy some best coffee beans? Check out Balance Coffee for their tasty and convenient coffee bags.

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