10 Foods to support your seasonal allergies

10 Foods to support your seasonal allergies

If you are currently suffering from seasonal allergies, here are some foods to include in your diet that will help provide relief. Some of these suggestions are more specific for certain allergy sufferers, but many can benefit anyone dealing with any allergy.

What symptoms can seasonal allergies cause?

Seasonal allergies are a common problem for many people. They can cause all sorts of symptoms, including itchy eyes, sneezing, or swelling in the nose. The good news is that there are ways to treat seasonal allergies, so you won’t have to live with them! 

This blog will go over some tips on how to relieve your seasonal allergy symptoms quickly and easily.

01: Pineapple 

You will be happy to know; Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C to reduce the duration and severity of allergies by strengthening your immune system. It’s also a significant source of manganese, copper, B6, and fiber! So next time you’re feeling stuffy or sneezy from your allergies, try out this delicious recipe for Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

02: Kale 

Kale is a vegetable that has been known to help with allergies. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the inflammation in your body and relieve symptoms of an allergy attack. Eating kale also helps promote better digestion due to its high fiber content. For more information on how this green leafy vegetable can improve your health, keep reading!

03: Red onion

If you have allergies, it’s a good idea to avoid eating foods that cause reactions. But there are some exceptions, and one is the red onion. Red onions contain allicin which can help quell an allergic reaction. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a natural remedy for asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory problems when eaten raw in salads or added to soups or stews. In addition, they’re so potent that just touching them can provide relief from skin irritations such as eczema and dermatitis! 

In this post, I’ll share what makes these little wonders so powerful and how to use them if you happen to suffer from allergies !

04: Salmon

Salmon is an intelligent source of Omega-3 fatty acids and other vitamins, known to be anti-inflammatory. Salmon also contains vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium which can help with allergies. Fish has been shown to lower the risk of getting asthma by 50%. If you have any other food allergies besides fish, it’s still worth considering an option for allergy relief. For many people who suffer from nasal congestion or sinus problems due to hay fever or other seasonal allergies, eating salmon may also provide some relief from those symptoms! 

05: Kefir 

If you have allergies, you are likely looking for a healthy alternative to treat your symptoms. Kefir is an excellent option because the probiotics found in kefir help strengthen the immune system and improve gut health, leading to reduced allergy symptoms. In addition, this article will outline how drinking kefir daily has been shown to reduce allergic reactions by up to 40%. Kefirs are fermented milk products made from cow milk, goat milk, or sheep milk with a variety of added flavors such as fruit juices and herbs. In addition, it contains beneficial bacteria called lactobacilli which produce lactic acid when they ferment the sugars in dairy products. 

06: Local honey 

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, then it’s time to look at switching your regular over-the-counter medication for something that has more natural ingredients. Most people think of honey as a sweet treat, but did you know that local love is one of the best ways to combat seasonal allergies? If you’re looking for relief this allergy season, make sure to read on and learn about how local honey can help! Honey may work by blocking histamine release and preventing mast cells from degranating and releasing their chemicals into the body. 

08: Garlic 

Many people rely on garlic as a natural remedy for allergies. But, what is the science behind this? These natural remedies other plants in the allium family have been used to treat many different ailments, including respiratory problems such as asthma and hay fever, digestive issues like indigestion, heart disease, and even cancer. It has also been shown to increase blood flow, which may benefit those with high cholesterol levels.

09: Ginger for allergies

Ginger is an old remedy for easing the symptoms of seasonal allergies. It has been used as a treatment since ancient times, and now researchers are discovering why it works so well. Ginger contains gingerol, a substance that has been shown to block inflammation in the body, therefore reducing allergy symptoms. This article explores how to use ginger for allergies and includes some delicious recipes!   

10: Berries 

Kids with allergies can enjoy the sweet taste of berries this summer. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 12 years old not eat any berries until they can tell their allergist and get a skin test for food allergies. When you know what your child is allergic to, some foods will be safe to eat, like blueberries and blackberries, because they don’t have as many allergy triggers as strawberries or raspberries. So this year, make sure that kids with allergies can enjoy the sweetness of berries by following these guidelines!

Can seasonal allergies affect me inside?

We have all heard the term “allergic to pollen,” and most of us think it only affects those who are outside a lot. But did you know that seasonal allergies can affect you inside as well? Indoor allergens such as mold, dust mites, pet dander, or cockroach droppings maybe even more intense for allergic individuals due to being constantly exposed.

We’ve compiled a list of the top ten foods to help beat your seasonal allergies. So if you are looking for relief, try these allergy-friendly foods to see if they work for you. Allergy season is here, and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon! 

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